Certificate of apprenticeship after two years at UMF
After two years as an apprentice at UMF, Trym has received the certificate of apprenticeship in industrial mechanics. With this grade completed, you´re very attractive in the current labour market as the demand for qualified labour in the industry is stable and many young people today choose academic education. In addition, Trym has shown an effort that is highly valued at UMF.
Trym has a personality and a desire to work that fit in well at UMF. We appreciate when young people arrive and challenge us who have been employed here for a long time. In this way, we unite new and old knowledge and innovate together
Atle Næsset, production / project manager UMF
Good support from colleagues
As an employer, UMF is concerned with investing in its employees and keeping it a good place to work. As a result, we have a solid and stable workforce so that we retain competence and experience within the company. This leads to quality and stability in the deliverance to our customers and partners.
The employees around Trym have been an important and good support for him during his apprenticeship and their safe guidance has contributed to Trym having managed this so well and passed the trade test.
I experienced gaining professional competence very quickly, precisely because I was thrown into new tasks. If there is something you are struggling to achieve, then of course you get good help from those who have worked here for a long time.
Trym Nordby Andersson, former apprentice UMF
Future opportunities
The technical education that Trym now has completed, is an important and solid foundation for any further education. With a certificate of apprenticeship in industrial mechanics, it is possible to take an engineering education, but first he is going to serve in the military.
When we need employees, we contact the best people for the job and Trym will clearly be a relevant candidate. We would like to thank Trym for his efforts over the past two years, congratulate him so much on the certificate and wish him the best of luck. “
https://www.umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/UMF-.jpg14062500tekniskakarihttp://umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/web_umf-logo-01.pngtekniskakari2021-06-29 12:44:512021-06-30 15:12:27Apprentice Trym graduated – received the certificate of apprenticeship
– As an apprentice at Uvdal Maskinfabrikk, I have an interesting and varied workday with a good working environment.
I am an industrial mecanics apprentice, started my apprenticeship in August 2019 and will finish in August 2021.
As an apprentice in UMF, you get to try a lot of different things. Typical work tasks are mechanical assembly, hydraulic coupling and testing. I am set to do much of the same as those who are permanently employed here.
As an apprentice in UMF, you get to try a lot of different things
You get really thrown into it, and it’s very educational and exciting. I experienced professional competence very quickly, precisely because I was thrown into new tasks. If there is something you can not do, then of course you get good help from those who have worked here for a long time.
After my apprenticeship I will serve in the military, but it is quite possible that I will work here at UMF later. It is a good working environment here and a very good unity among the employees.
This is UMF
Uvdal Maskinfabrikk AS (UMF) was established in 1987 by founder Arve Flatin and investor Karl H. Høie. At that time, the defense industry in Kongsberg was the main market for the company.
The business eventually turned to oil and Subsea. With its constant development and growth, UMF became one of the driving forces behind the construction of Nore and Uvdal Næringspark, which was ready for occupancy in the year 2000. In 2008, Arve G Flatin AS acquired the entire ownership, and the company became 100% locally owned.
With an unwavering focus on quality and solid professional competence over a number of years, UMF has established itself as a recognized world-class Norwegian supplier.
https://www.umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Uvdal-maskinfabrikk-50.jpg14062500tekniskakarihttp://umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/web_umf-logo-01.pngtekniskakari2021-04-12 09:43:072021-06-30 15:07:39Meet one of our apprentices, Trym Nordby Andersson
We are proud to present Olaf Ødegård as the new general manager at Uvdal Maskinfabrikk AS from 21.09.2020. He succeeds Betty-Karin Nørstebø, who will take on the role of KHMS leader from 21.09.2020..
Ødegård has extensive industry experience, and has management experience from various roles.
We pride ourselves on being an attractive business that attracts us the right expertise. We look forward to having Olaf to lead our team in the further operation and development of Uvdal Maskinfabrikk AS.
“I am very much looking forward to starting up in my job as general manager of Uvdal Maskinfabrikk, and am both happy and proud to have the opportunity to contribute to the further development of UMF.” – Olaf Ødegård
Olaf Ødegård
https://www.umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Uvdal-maskinfabrikk-44.jpg14062500tekniskakarihttp://umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/web_umf-logo-01.pngtekniskakari2021-04-08 10:22:232021-04-08 10:22:24Olaf Ødegård is welcomed as new general manager of UMF
When Kongsberg company Argos Solutions delivers a Panel Repair System (PRS) to one of its US customers shortly, it is with parts from Uvdal Maskinfabrikk (UMF).
The new agreement between the two local companies came into force on 15 January 2021, and is the latest in a series of cooperation agreements.
UMF delivers the repair unit to Argos’ solution
Argos Solutions and Uvdal Maskinfabrikk (UMF) have been working together since 2011, when Argos delivered the first fully automatic repair system to Europe’s largest Panel Repair System (PRS)manufacturer, UPM, in Finland. The product they will now supply, a Panel Repair System (PRS), allows the American customer to repair surfaces in wood.
“Instead of using manual labour to repair, for example, veneer plates and parquet automatically, the company can use this PRS system. The advantage is streamlining the process of producing veneer plates, and a safeguarding of the quality out to the end user,” explains Jan Sandok, Technical Manager at Argos Solutions.
Proud supplier of EPC projects
UMF supplies the repair unit used in Argos’s solution, and Hans Borge has been the responsible engineer in the preparation of the offer’s content. He explains that UMF will deliver engineering of the mechanical system and to the automation system.
In addition, UMF is responsible for the purchase of main parts, mechanical production of the system’s main parts, mechanical and electrical assembly. Assistance with adjustment and start-up of the system and technical documentation is also included in the agreement.
“We at UMF have been a proud supplier to Argos for many years. This EPC contract confirms that Argos appreciates the services and product quality that UMF delivers, which we are very pleased with,” says Olaf Ødegård, CEO of UMF.
The agreement helps to give UMF the opportunity to fortify itself even more strongly as a supplier of EPC projects, which is very important for the company.
“Through this agreement we have the opportunity to both build and maintain important expertise, and we believe we will deliver a product that Argos will be very pleased with this time as well,” says Ødegård.
Olaf Ødegård, CEO of UMF.
Argos Solutions relies on safe and skilled suppliers
UMF has been involved in the development of Argos PRS system, and knows the product well. Argos was the first company to develop and deliver this type of technology to the global market.
“In collaboration with UMF, we have delivered orders for tens of millions. We depend on having safe and skilled suppliers on the team, and appreciate our collaboration with UMF. We are proud that we can deliver the best systems to this industry together,” says Jan Sandok, Technical Manager at Argos Solutions.
“In UMF, Argos has a solid partner with good production expertise and capacity, which is very valuable for us. As a global supplier, Argos relies on partners who deliver on quality and on time,” he continues.
Growth through quality and innovation
Both Kongsberg-based Argos and Uvdal Maskinfabrikk have put a very good year behind them. They are known for their high-quality deliveries. For both companies, 2020 was the best year ever, with solid growth in turnover.
Argos Solutions has installed systems all over the world, and focuses on quality and innovation.
“We are keen to use local suppliers and think it is great that we can be a world leader in this segment together with UMF in Numedal,” says Sandok.
https://www.umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/0U1A6482.jpg14062500tekniskakarihttp://umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/web_umf-logo-01.pngtekniskakari2021-04-08 10:20:522021-04-12 15:21:26UMF enters into important agreement with Argos Solutions in Kongsberg – Local collaboration on international delivery
The society around us is largely digitized, and Uvdal Maskinfabrikk has decided to join the digital journey.
With a new graphical profile and upgraded presence in digital channels, UMF is now well equipped for future digital communication.
“We are very pleased with the profile change and are excited to finally be able to launch it,” the general manager of Uvdal Maskinfabrikk, Olaf Ødegård, says with a smile. .
Restructuring and innovation
In the recent years, Uvdal Maskinfabrikk has been involved in a restructuring project called Industri 4.0, under the auspices of Kongsberg Innovation. On the road to restructuring, change and innovation, it became natural to also modernize the graphic profile to clarify precisely these changes.
“The profile change is part of the restructuring of the UMF. We will be more visible and want to reach a larger and wider audience. In this respect, the change of logo, new colour profile and new websites is a clear signal that we are thinking long-term and that we are developing and moving forward,” says Ødegård.
With the new profile of Uvdal Maskinfabrikk, the visual expression is lifted and continued, so that the old profile is still recognizable. The people and the values are the same.
Camilla (left) works as a designer at Akari, and has developed the upgraded profile of UMF.
“The logo now has a slightly more angular shape, but it is still round at the edges. Direction and expertise are keywords: UMF wants to go up and forward. The colour is also freshened up. It is clearer, and the whole profile has a cleaner feel. The new fonts are simple and modern, and speak well with the rest of the elements,” describes Camilla Walaker in Akari, who has designed it all.
The UMF manager is very pleased with the new website, both in terms of the colour composition and the ease of use.
Increased visibility and interaction
Ødegård says that UMF will continue to use traditional channels such as newspapers, fairs and the like.
“However, digital channels make it easier to communicate news while they are news, and we can reach a larger audience.”
Digital platforms give the company ample opportunities to reach well-known actors and partners, and can help UMF find new opportunities in the market. UMF has a strong local foundation and is a cornerstone business. By being more strongly represented digitally, they have the opportunity to inform locally and regionally about what they are doing and who they are, in a better way.
“The possibility of interactive interaction via the digital platforms is something we look forward to. Feedback is something we need and want, and all the digital platforms are a great venue for it,” Ødegård concludes enthusiastically.
See more photos of the upgraded profile below:
https://www.umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Uvdal-maskinfabrikk-52.jpg14062500tekniskakarihttp://umf.no/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/web_umf-logo-01.pngtekniskakari2021-04-08 10:12:052021-04-12 15:03:24UMF invests digitally with new profile and new websites
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